Monday, June 24, 2013


What Motivates Me

Photo by: Taylor Yergeau
Everyone has a reason behind their actions, something inside them that further pushes them to do something.  Motivation is the drive inside that makes you want to do something.  For me my biggest thing in my life right now is finishing Nursing School and then passing my State Boards to become a Nurse.  What motivates me is Love, Family, Happiness, Success, Security, Stability, Respect and Money.  I also forgot to add Passion to my list, because this is what lives inside of me and really drives me with work.  When it comes to caring for sick or injured I am very passionate about what I do.  Without these motivations I feel as though my life will be very difficult.  So on my bad days I remind myself about all of these things that I can achieve in the long run.
Corey Rich
Photo by: Christopher Harrison
Corey Rich is an outdoor, adventure photographer.  I chose him because I also love the outdoors and think it is very interesting what he chose to do for work.  He seems to really love what he does and surrounds himself with the outdoors.  Corey Rich stated, "I wasn’t an entrepreneur with a business plan, I was a guy who loved making pictures, never worrying about how the cash was going to flow. My goal was to make good pictures and the cash would follow."  He chose to be a photographer because he loved capturing pictures, not because of the money.  I think this is interesting because it is hard to survive in today's society without money, yet he doesn't worry about that, he lives for the moment.  Corey also talked about the 3 things that has made him successful in photography;
1.  A little bit of raw talent, talent doesn’t need to be oozing out of you.
2.  Willing to work really hard. I call that passion—you’re so passionate about something that the other things in life become less important. You’re willing to put it all into your craft.
3.  It really helps if you’re a great guy or gal—if you’re not an asshole. People want to work with people they enjoy being around.
Photo by: Corey Rich
James Nachtwey

Photo by: Unknown
Anyone who risks their lives on a daily basis has to have a true passion and love for what they do.  That or they love the adrenaline rush of not being in a safe situation, where anything can happen at any given moment.  When photojournalist James Nachtwey was asked what motivates him to be a war photographer he responded saying,  "Why photograph war? Is it possible to put an end to human behavior which has existed throughout history by means of photography? The proportions of that notion seem ridiculously out of balance yet that very idea has motivated me."  I think it is very interesting knowing this is what drives him to risk his life in order to capture and share these photographs of war.
Photo by: James Nachtwey
Irving Penn
Photo by: Bert Stern
Irving Penn, a famous photographer was known for his portraits, still images and fashion images, was motivated by the importance of a photograph.  He once stated, "A good photograph is one that communicates a fact, touches the heart and leaves the viewer a changed person for having seen it. It is, in a word, effective." (Penn, Reference).  This quote really describes what he wanted to reflect in his photographs.  He was motivated to capture that perfect shot so when someone viewed it, the picture would trigger emotions and feeling inside of someone leaving somewhat of a footprint in their life to be remembered. 
Photo by: Irving Penn
When comparing and contrasting what motivates me to what motivates photojournalists I see many similarities.  Corey Rich has such a passion for what he does for work and I too have this passion in caring for people.  I also am motivated by adventure and nature, I love surrounding myself with this.  I found it intriguing the way James Nachtwey was motivated by more of the unknown then the known.  He mentioned the fact that photography could help to stop war and that is what motivates him.  I love the way he looks at things and think this is such a positive way to approach things.  Mostly I found that these photographers loved what they did and that is the main reason why they do it.  I can relate to this with nursing and can not wait to start my career as one.  No matter what your motivation is if you are doing something you love and it makes you happy then you are in the right place. 

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